PGY1 Internal Medicine Residents

​4 weeks -  28 days -  12 shifts -  average 32 hours per week

2 X RED WEEKDAY DAY ACUTE (Starting 6AM, 7AM, 1PM, 3PM) = 20 hours
3 X RED WEEKNIGHT ACUTE (Starting 7P, 8P, 10P)  = 30 hours
2 X RED WEEKEND DAY ACUTE (Starting 630AM, 730AM) = 24 hours
2 X RED WEEKEND NIGHT ACUTE (Starting 5PM, 630PM, 730PM) = 24 hrs
3 X NON ACUTE (GREEN or YELLOW) = 30 hours


PGY1 TRI / Ortho / General Surgery Residents 
4 weeks -  28 days -  16 shifts -  average 42 hours per week

4 X RED WEEKDAY DAY ACUTE (Starting 6AM, 7AM, 1PM, 3PM) = ~40 hours
4 X RED WEEKNIGHT ACUTE (Starting 7P, 8P, 10P)  = ~40 hours
2 X RED WEEKEND DAY  ACUTE (Starting 630AM, 730AM) = ~24 hours
2 X RED WEEKEND NIGHT  ACUTE (Starting 5PM, 630PM, 730PM) = ~24 hrs
4 X NON ACUTE (GREEN or YELLOW) = ~40 hours

Resident Shift Breakdown

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Please follow the following rules when making your schedule:

  • You must work at least 3 weekend shifts
  • Residents must be OFF on your clinic days and the night prior to clinic
  • RRC requires one day OFF per seven (averaged over 4 weeks);  OFF means no clinic, no conference, and no shift​
  • RRC requires no more than 80 hour work week (averaged over 4 weeks)

PGY1 Family Medicine Residents

​4 weeks -  28 days -  14 shifts -  average 37 hours per week

4 X RED WEEKDAY DAY ACUTE (Starting 6AM, 7AM, 1PM, 3PM) = 40 hours
3 X RED WEEKNIGHT ACUTE (Starting 7P, 8P, 10P)  = 30 hours
2 X RED WEEKEND DAY ACUTE (Starting 630AM, 730AM) = 24 hours
2 X RED WEEKEND NIGHT ACUTE (Starting 5PM, 630PM, 730PM) = 24 hrs
3 X NON ACUTE (GREEN or YELLOW) = 30 hours


Rotating Resident Information

​​​​​Orientation:  All residents must watch the EM Rotation Orientation video prior to the first shift in the ED. The video will review the objectives and FAQs heading into the rotation. 

If you are new to the ED, notify your attending on your first shift and you will be given a tour.  There is also a recorded tour that you can watch on the orientation video. 

Computer Training: Residents should also watch BHMC FirstNet Training video prior to your computer training. Your live training for the FirstNet software will be scheduled prior to your start date and you should receive an email with the date and time.  If you have any questions about FirstNet please contact Marie Chardeline Glaude or Rohi Warsi in Clinical Education.

Didactics:  Didactics are held Wednesdays from 8am-1pm at the Broward Health North campus in the Conference Center or the classrooms. Attendance is mandatory. Please be punctual. For those doing a 2nd EM rotation with us, lectures that you have attended already are optional. 

Scheduling:  Broward Health residents will have the opportunity to make their own schedule. You must be off the day of and night before clinic days and didactics days.  When making your schedule, you must adhere to the scheduling guidelines outlined below.  You must send your completed schedule to EDrotation@browardhealth.org  no later than 2 weeks prior to your start date. Schedules are posted here.